On July 17  another action of the radical environmental and cultural center "Duplo" took place. At noon 9 activists and several representatives of mass media left the camp headed off to Orekhovskaya dam. They didn't pass 600 meters when they were stopped in the middle of the field by the forest engineer of the national park Phyodor Filatenko. Referring to the  order, that does not allow the presence of people in the forest during the fire dangerous period, he suggested that everybody should go back to the camp, because he forbids them to be in the forest without official permission. During the argument arouse the question of why there was a net laying on the dam. Filatenko was very surprised to hear about it and offered journalists to go with him and make sure there was no any nets on the dam. And all the others, according to his words, had to remain at the place of conflict or go back to the camp. Finally, he drove journalists to the dam, and we (9 activists) continued on our way on foot. After visiting Orekhovskaya dam Filatenko offers journalists to go see other dams in the area. We came right on time to stop the filming group of Samara State Radio and Television Company, who was going to leave with Filatenko. We took them back to the dam and found the net hidden in the grass right by the road, that forest engineer "could not" find. It was so called "sock" net, 15 meters in length. The net was cut with an ax and eliminated. After that we liquidated metal cover from the pipe in the dam, that was creating a brake in the natural flow of water and was used for poach fishing.
      This demarche  was not the first taken this month on the territory of  "Samarskaya Luka". However, in spite of all our actions administration of the region doesn't pay necessary attention to the problem, and doesn't seem to be interested in trying to do anything to change the situation. Therefore, we have to go over to the more radical measures.
      Watch for further information from the protest camp.

      Press center of "Duplo"
Rymar Sasha

On July 15 came to its end the trial over three ecologists from the movement "Civil Initiative", who attempted to blow up water preserving mechanism on one of the dams in the national park "Samarskaya Luka". This mechanism (a piece of metal that covers the pipe in the dam and does not allow water  to go through) destroyed natural flow of water in the river and was used for poach fishing. By the court decision A. Solovykh and V. Basmanov got 2 years and 6 months, and A. Perfilyev got 3 years of prison (all sentenced conditionally). The court also ruled to take measures to solve the problem of poachers' dams in the park by August 15.


Press center of "Duplo"
Rymar Sasha

      How you can find us or get a hold of us:
 Telephone numbers in Russia: (8462)79-33-78 – Number of the camp in "Samarskaya Luka"
 (8462)35-32-62 – Information center in Samara. (if you are on   your way, you can spend the night there)
 (8462)30-13-61 – If you could not get a hold of anyone by the previous numbers, use this one!


Address for additional connection:  Russia, 443004 Samara, ul. Kaliningradskaya, 26-11,
tel.  (8462)30-13-61 - cultural center "Duplo"


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