On August 17 a discussion session on the problem of dams in the national park Samarskaya Luka took place in Samara Alabin s Museum. It was organized by the radical environmental movement Rainbow Keepers , cultural center Duplo and Committee for rescuing of Samarskaya Luka.
 There are 17 dams on the territory of the national park built without projects and previous ecological examination, which are used for illegal industrial fishing. On July 15 Volga s regional Court ruled out an order, which obligated administration of the park to take care of this problem in a month, and to inform the Court about the actions they d taken. At the discussion session it was planned to overview the results of park administration s work. Also, was discussed the question of the legality of the dams, their effect on the ecological situation in the park, and about their future. The meeting attended: vice-director of the national park S. A. Belyashov, counsel on ecological questions and the deputy of the governor of Samara region  V. K. Yemeljanov, professor of ichthyology I. A. Yevlanov , the head of land, plant and animal resources department of the State Committee for guarding of the environment of Samara region A. I. Ivanov, the lawyer MÁkeyev, vice-president of Samara region Council of All-Russia Nature Protection Society, candidate of biological science A.V. Vinogradov, the former vice-director of the national park, director of society for helping the park Parkway Yu. K. Roschevskiy, the head of Volga region Staff O.A.Ishutin and some other specialists. Administration of the park showed no results of their work, which was supposed to be done according to the order of the Court. Discussion continued for about 2,5 hours, and no agreement was reached on the problem.
 Before the beginning of the discussion session Rainbow Keepers organized a small staged action in front of the museum: a park ranger and a police officer put nets around the fish, yelling: We protect the nature! After that fish starts to gather money for its funeral.

Press-service of "Duplo"

Committee on rescuing of Samarskaya Luka,
ph. (8462) 30-13-61
e-mail: duplork@mail.ru & faber@ssu.samara.ru


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