into the prosecutor s for nature protection office
On Aug 23 there was a demonstration in front
of the building of the prosecutor for nature protection against the violation
of the law in the national park Samarskaya Luka . Demonstration was organized
by the activists of Rainbow Keepers and cultural center Duplo . They tried
to give a public address to the nature protection prosecutor demanding
to take measures to keep the law in the national park. But the doors of
his office were closed and the prosecutor himself simply disappeared. Three
activists climbed up the roof and hung a black anarchy flag and a banner
there. The banner said: Prosecutor is sleeping! Poachers get fatter! Nature
is dy-y-ying!!!!!! At the same time other people were standing in front
of prosecutor s office, reciting poems about violations of the law in Samarskaya
Luka .
After two hours prosecutor decided to meet
with the protesters and accepted their address. He demanded all the journalist
not to attend the meeting and was pretty short in his speech: Just don
t make noise! Give your address and be quiet, we ll decide everything.
Three activists were taken off from the roof by the police officers, and
police reports were written for them. Cops tried to formulate accusation
as illegal demonstration on the roof , but for some reason changed it to
violation of the established by the law order of using their real and supposed
rights without doing a considerable harm to citizens and state officials
Press-service of "Duplo"
Committee on rescuing of
Samarskaya Luka,
ph. (8462)